Alberto Ferrero


Curriculum vitae

List of publications

Research interests
Elliptic problems with singular potentials
Second order quasilinear elliptic equations
Higher order equations
Elliptic problems with measures
Mathematical models for suspension bridges
Elliptic problems on Riemannian manifolds


Mathematical models for suspension bridges

  More recently my research activity approached applications of fourth order equations to the study of the behavior of complex dynamic structures like suspension bridges. In recent years several papers were devoted to the study of mathematical models describing suspension bridges; we mention here the papers by J. McKenna and coauthors. We proposed a model in which the deck of the bridge is described by a rectangular plate and the action of cables and hangers by a suitable nonlinear term. As a long-term target we would like to give a mathematical explanation of several collapses occured in the last two centuries. At the present state of art two papers on this topic were concluded and a third one is in preparation.

[1] A. Ferrero, F. Gazzola, A partially hinged rectangular plate as a model for suspension bridges, accepted for publication in ``Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems''

[2] E. Berchio, A. Ferrero, F. Gazzola, Structural instability of nonlinear plates modelling suspension bridges: mathematical answers to some long-standing questions, preprint 2015

[3] E. Berchio, A. Ferrero, F. Gazzola, Numerical estimates for the torsional stability of suspension bridges, in preparation